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Now, don’t worry with any virus computers that spread via USB (Flash Disk) because this is 7 steps to Prevent Dissemination of Virus Computer From USB (Flash Disk).
You only need NOTEPAD program and Special Codes to do it. Let’s Do It !!!

1. Open “Notepad” program (Start-> All Programs-> Accessories-> Notepad).
2. Type ‘The Magic Words’. This are the words:
del /a:r f:\autorun.inf , then press ENTER on your keyboard then type the words below:
echo ‘Ra-EngLish.Blogspot.Com’ >f:\autorun.inf&attrib +r f:\autorun.inf[NOTE: letter ‘f’ above means the drive that usually used on your USB (Flash Disk) drive. Change with other letter/character that refer on your USB (Flash Disk) drive, example: e,g,h, or other character.]

3. Save The Magic Words on your USB (Flash Disk) drive with rules: file name: up to you, file extension: .bat [Example: Ra-EngLish.bat]
4. Open that magic file (filename.bat)
5. Refresh Computer (press F5)
6. Open file “autorun.inf” on your USB drive. Word “Ra-EngLish.Blogspot.Com” will appear
7. Now, virus on your USB (Flash Disk) drive Can’t Infect Your Computer !!!

The steps above can’t guarantee that your computer becomes FREE VIRUS 100%.
You must also install Anti Virus program for better result.


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